Sell Design Work

Sell Web & Print Design Services To Your Existing Customers
If you are already selling in another industry, make additional income selling our web and print and multimedia services to your clients.
Order Design Work is an established web and print design studio located on the Oregon Coast. With 22 years of experience we are looking for sales people. This is 100% commission position (30% of gross sales), we have an online portfolio as well as mobile portfolio to showcase to clients. We have a sales portal with tools to help you sell with everything from downloadable PDF files to forms that make your job easier. Signup today and be a sales person in your area.

Reach $10,000 in Sales for a Macbook Air
Refurbished iPad mini with Wi-Fi 16GB – White & Silver. Use for selling clients with videos and PDF downloads we supply. A sales portal to manage customers and leads. Submit your resume and information to get started.
Positions Available:
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